Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 1

My day in a nutshell-
Boy actually slept through the night- He grumbled a little around 2:30 but fell back asleep easily.  What a difference a full night sleep makes for all of us.  When he got up at 6:30 I let him lay in bed with us while he had his bottle then M jumped in the shower.  It's always cute and cuddly at the beginning but Boy will inevitably lean over and bite my arm at some point.  He's like a sour patch kid, he'll be sweet and put his head on your shoulder but then 2 seconds later he'll bite it.  M's done and will get breakfast ready while I jump in the shower.  We've been sleeping a little later lately because it's so dark in the morning, so showers have to be quick and simple.  Luckily I'm fairly up to date on our laundry so I already know what I'm going to wear, so I got dressed quick and then realized I can not say the same for Boy's clothes.  I dig up what appears to be the last clean pair of pants in his dresser and head downstairs, making a mental note to do his laundry tonight.  M made baby waffles and coffee.  I pack up the lunches (leftover baked ziti for us, turkey meatballs, pasta and veggies for baby with cut up mangoes and a cheese stick for snack), I take frozen ground turkey out of the freezer for dinner and head out the door.  Luckily before I get to the car I realize I forgot to pack up my breast pump and I have to run back in.  My head start is gone.  Daycare drop offs are getting harder. He is starting to get clingy when we leave which breaks my heart.  He started daycare at 5 months old when I returned to work and only recently has been having separation anxiety.  It makes for a bad start to the day.  Get to work with 4 minutes to spare.

Work is the normal BS.  I watch the clock a lot...........  Lately I've tired of all the office politics and gossip and mostly just want to be left alone.  Keep my head down, do what I have to do and go home.  At lunch today I got frozen yogurt, it was the highlight of my afternoon.

Leave work, drive and pick up Boy at daycare.  I will never tired of the look of excitement that comes across his face when we open the door.  I love that he's still in a snugly phase, I just love him up.

Get home, throw in baby laundry right away, start browning the meat for tacos, boil some red potatoes Baby plus corn and rice for us.  Chop up taco fixing -(tomatoes, lettuce, olives)  plus avocado for the baby.  Try and clean up the kitchen as I go.  M takes Boy outside to play while I try to get everything together.  It's too hard trying to keep him away for the stove and all the activity in the kitchen so it's easier to distract outside for now.  Sit down and have dinner.

Boy needs to have a nebulizer twice a day, so after dinner we do the nebbie while watching a elmo's world on youtube.  Up to bed.  M changes the baby into his pj's while I get a bottle ready.  We've been weaning the past few weeks and my breast milk supply is tanking so we give a bottle first then nurse.  Slowly the nursing time is decreasing.  Weaning has been bittersweet.  It's nice to get my body back but I miss providing for my son and the bonding time that we had.  The bedtime session is the last to go.

Ahh sleep.  Downstairs to clean up from dinner.  Luckily M started the dishes and put the leftovers away already.  Cleanup is mostly down by 8 and I sit down with a big glass of wine and watch tv.  I watched The Middle (love that Sue Heck) and Modern Family.  In between M and I watched a video on about Arnold Schwarzenegger, which was more interesting than I thought it would be.  Had some chips ahoy and went to bed.

I started reading the Perks of being a Wallflower, in anticipation of the movie.  So far so good, definitely geared towards a younger audience but those scars from high school never heal and remain relatable (is that even a word). 

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