Saturday, October 27, 2012


So apparently, there is this freak hurricane/nor'easter/Arctic blast headed my way.  I had to leave work early yesterday for Boy's doctors appt., so luckily I did my regular food shopping then because it is chaos around here.  Last year, we got hit with a tropical storm and some people were without power for 2 weeks so some of the panic is warranted.  Unfortunately I forget to get a jalapeno for a recipe I wanted to make, but it is not worth braving the stores to get it at this point. 

This morning Boy woke up at 4:30, after trying unsuccessfully to get him back to sleep I caved and brought him into our bed.  M and I had agreed to stop doing that because he began to expect it but I was exhausted and just wanted to lay back down.  All bets are off that early.  The weather was mild and we had all the windows open so we were nicely awoken a short time later by a crow.  Boy loves crow noises and not only woke up but started yelling "Caw Caw" back at it.  It's a lot easier to smile at the memory now then it enjoy when its happening at sunrise.

I finally got my centerpiece done, that about all I accomplished today, along with the usual cleaning, laundry and errands.  I tried a new farmers market and was sorely disappointed to find it was only one both that appeared to have only corn and carrots.  I didn't even get out of the car because the baby had fallen asleep and his napping outweighed carrots.  They advertised numerous other vendors and I was hoping to get some fresh bread and maybe seafood.  They have a great farmers market where I work but I can never get anything that has to be refrigerated because the fridge at work is small and nasty.

We also had two unexpected visits from both of my parents.  My father "dropped by", which I can not stand and am hoping was an isolated incident.  Not to be outdone, my mother called a little while later and wanted to come over.  My son is the first grandchild in my family so they do like to lavish him with attention.  It is sometimes difficult trying to manage their expectations and mine.  I know they do it out of love, but sometimes I just want to be left alone.  I'm tired, I'm pressed for time to accomplish everything I need to get done over a weekend, plus I like spending time as a family.  I feel like the weeks are so rushed the weekend is the only time we can do anything recreation, even if it's just hanging out in the yard. 

Tomorrow I'm going to have to hit the ground running.  I have to make lunch for the week ( soup with orzo), dinner for at least two night (meatloaf), and I wanted to make this pumpkin-choc-chip bars I read about on Two Peas and Their Pod.  The lawn furniture has to be brought in too.  I hope it's not as bad as they're predicting.  Figures M has to work late Monday, just when it's supposed to be bad.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed

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