Thursday, January 10, 2013

Biting my tongue

I am trying to be professional today but I'm having a hard time not going off on a co-worker.  I am a firm believer that it is impolite to discuss religion and politics in certain settings, especially work.  Almost all of us work in cubicle and can decorate the inside of the cubies however we see fit, fine by me.  When you start putting fliers on the outside I feel that then they are directed at other people and thereby open to my opinion.  One man, who already has several political bumper stickers on his car, most of which I find in direct contradiction of his employment, has decided to advertise his pro-gun stance to the entire office.  We work in law enforcement and are all required to carry a department issued firearm as well has legally able to purchase a carry other weapons.  If new,stricter gun laws are passed this would not change, because as I said we are law enforcement, but he firmly believes that his rights are being trampled.   He is something of a gun nut, despite this being a later in life career move. He has really embraced the weapon aspect with gusto, a gusto I find frightening.  I am completely anti-gun, I don't think private citizens should be able to possess handguns or assault rifles.  I somewhat understand hunting, so I can see rifles and shotgun being available with a permit and background check.  My job would be a lot safer if all handguns were illegal, so I have difficulty understanding why someone else in my field can be such a  proponent of unrestricted gun ownership.  What has really gotten under my skin today are the new fliers he posted outside of his cubie stating that more people are killed every year with hammers than with firearms.  The flyer even cites the FBI as the source of it's information.  I looked up the stats, something I assume you would  have done before buying into such an unbelievable statistic, and SHOCKER- it's incorrect.  While the number of homicides committed with "blunt objects" such as hammers or clubs is 496 in 2011, the total number of homicides committed with firearms is 8.583, not 323( as this flyer would lead you to believe.  323 is the stat for rifles only in the firearm breakdown. 
This inaccuracies used in these types of arguments make me crazy.  While I may not agree, you are entitled to your opinion, but  I take issue with bending the truth to fit your argument and then forcing it down my throat.  I also take into question how you can properly do your job, working with a lower socio-economic population as well as minorities, when your other propaganda reveals you to be racist, misogynist and extremely anti-government.  Which is ironic because of your and your wife's current employment with the government.  . He has been confronted in the past by co-workers, after which he would leave anonymous Mitt Romney flyers on the chair and avoid future eye contact, proving himself to be cowardly.  It makes me want to scream

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