Tuesday, January 8, 2013

while away the hours

I've been daydreaming of a yurt I saw online.  It's the cutest rental in upstate NY and is an actual yurt, like in Mongolia.  They only have a few opening within the next two months so I'll have to decide soon.  The prospect of travelling with a little one is so daunting.  Having to pack everything, the long car ride, and the sleeping arrangements.  I like to find a place that has either a separate bedroom or a deck so that us adults can still hang out after the baby goes to bed.  He usually falls asleep around 8, so unless there's another place for us to be, we'd have to go to bed too, or sit on the bed whispering in the dark.  We went to Montauk in June and we had a little deck which was perfect.  It was right outside the room, so we could hear him and check in on him, but we were able to get a little hang out time too.  This yurt has a separate bedroom, and most of the space is open so I wouldn't have to worry too much about wandering or stairs.  The only real bugaboo is the weather, I'd hate to book the place then get caught in a snow storm.  As usual with me, I will over think it, then when I want to do it it'll be booked or the price will have doubled.  I love to daydream though. 

One other thing that's been on my mind lately is political campaign bumper stickers.  How long does a person keep them on?  Are there different rules for winners or losers?  I'm not a big fan of bumper stickers to begin with but I would be hesitant to put a political one of my car because I wouldn't want to drive around advertising that I supported the loser in a race.  Every time I drove would be a reminded that my team lost.  If they won, a what point is it gloating to still have your campaign sticker?  Too much to think about, glad it's not a busy day in the office.

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