Thursday, January 31, 2013


I can not wait for my work day to be over.  I got a horrible nights sleep due to the wind and rain and I have been dragging all day.  Today was one of those days where everyone gets on my nerves.  I work with one woman, I'll call her Golda, who talks to herself all day.  She literally gives a play by play of what she's doing out loud.  Today she was trying to do something on the computer, It sounded a like this, "I guess I should click on this button.  I don't know why these machines are so hard. that button  there, that's should do the trick"  She then yelled to someone in a different room for instructions on which button precisely to press and then voiced her concern that her actions would "get lost in cyber space".  I thought I was going to scream.  A lot of days I wear my headphones but I just wasn't in the mood today but it was impossible not to get annoyed.  Golda, then called every single member of her family and yakked on the phone for hours about her various health ailments.  I have to give her credit that at 69 she drags her ass to work everyday especially when you do hear all of her health problems, but sometimes I want to tell her to shut the fuck up!!!!  Right now she trying to get another coworker to share jello with her.  I am not in the mood today.  I still have a cold and hubs is working late tonight which means I get wrestle that little alligator of a child into pajamas by myself.  He is generally the sweetest little boy until bedtime.  You would think that his pajamas were made of shards of glass the way he fights.  I have to sing the abc's the whole time,  to get him just docile enough to put his arms and legs in.  Once there zipped up, he's fine, like nothing happened and I'm left exhausted and sweating, looking like Randy "MachoMan" Savage:

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